I go by the handle Sarxious Prime,
You can find me on Soundcloud and Bandcamp. Also by my name Jadan Oliver.
My music is political at least alot of it is.
If you have issues with my views on the fascist we have as president
you can go fuck yourself.

Other wise if you want to hear something that isn't a usual love song or something political
I am who you are looking for.

I am 53 and I don't necessarily get along with some of the people in my own generation
However the ones that I do are really good people. I am a keyboardist and synth player ,
I do program a lot of music. 

as you can tell this is my first webpage in a while that I have made, I haven't done it since the 2000s
So bare with me.

Power to the people!!!!!!!

BTW if you are some Trumper just shut up. you would be embarrased if you understood what you are talking about